“Hope and Roots : The driving force of Life ?”
(Conversations about a short film: 5 Rupee)
VH: Hope more than anything
NB:… and expect more than nothing :)
VH: expectations reduce the joy ! so Zilch expectations and ‘enjoy the ride’ :)
NB: in this video the boy starts with hope to buy baloon. then he expects support frm his mother. maybe what we think from heart is hope and as it moves up to mind and we start making sense out of it it becomes an expectation.
AM: I guess the idea of hope is somehow only relevant in scarcity and some how the driving force is thus scarcity :) (ref: wealth of the nations :D)… u hope for wht u don’t have …
VH: The boy in the video can be interpreted as man in pursuit of ‘maya’ . He wants to desperately get it and then the balloon bursts in a few moment but the lure of ‘maya’ is so strong that he again wants to ‘get’ it . possesiing is an ‘illusion’
NB: tatha-agata, tatha-gata (thus come, thus gone) the buddhism teaching is being demonstrated. One who has come will definitely go and one who has gone will come back (in some form) that the vicious circle of life. And yeah I believe *maya* and *moh* are the driving forces that are responsible for all hopes, desires and expectations.
Maya you’ve already explained. Moh can be seen in form of desire boy has to get the green balloon and secondly the love of his mother that she actually gives 5 Rs twice. Maybe they can be visualized as III law of newton : Action-Reaction or Yin & Yang. Balancing it makes the life easy in some sense.
(conversations on facebook.)