London: The Great Exhibition Road Festival happened during 29th & 30th. It was a collaboration of institutions on and around Exhibition Road showcasing the science and the arts in a unique programme of creative workshops, talks, exhibitions and performances.
Following the footsteps of the Great Exhibition of 1851, I thought of capturing this event on a black and white film, the good old way. Using my trusty Nikon f80 with a 50mil lens loaded Ilford Hp5+ film, following shots were captured. I developed this film with Mr Bellini's Hydrofen (film recipe at bottom) and scanned it with Epson V700. Here is a set of 18 pics:
New age Jazz
“Hooman-Robo Interaction”
Applause to the Volunteers.
Giant Robo.
Deep into Discussion.
He had an interesting Science Demo.
The Seekers.
The Path-Finders.
Balcony Kid.
Keen on discussion.
Old Fire Brigade and Young Fighters.
Imperial Gifts.
Bright Kids. They were aware of many facts.
She was captivated in the skeleton.

It was really hot that day.
An artist performing near S. Ken Tube.
Developer: Hydrofen, 1+39, 7 min / 20ยบ C
Film: HP5+, exposed at 200.
Notes: Initial 30 sec of agitation followed by 10 sec of inversions / min.