I saw a butterfly today...
And realized how colorful those wings were...
It was flying freely over those tiny yellow flowers...
I wanted to fly too...
To enjoy the beauty of nature...
Flying with those colorful wings...
Across those tiny yellow flowers...
I became butterfly for a moment...
Through my eyes realized that the world was huge...
Saw those big yellow flowers...
But those wings...
Those colorful wings were not visible...
Those colorful wings which gave me my identity...
I couldn't see...
Got this fact...
Wings I possess, I cannot see...
But others can admire...
Which sometime becomes my identity...
But not all can fly, I can...
Is the reality that identifies me...
I shouted at the nature...
Our Identity is perception of Self ? ...
Or what others perceive becomes our Identity ? ...
Got this reply...
What am I ? ...
A river...
Gives water...
Gives sounds...
Gives flow...
Gives life...
They perceive me as what they get from me...
They see me as a river...
Who am I ? ...
I am a sea inside me...
I have waves of thoughts...
I have shore of imagination...
I have depths of beliefs...
I have shells of curiosity...
I have calmness of love...
I have hugeness of doubts...
I have storms of confusion...
I have questions inside me...
I have answers inside me...
This perception of self is my identity for me...
I am a river for others...
I am a sea inside me...