
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random thoughts about Life

Life is a Lock, You are the Key. Knowing this is not a secret but the fact that moving the key in right direction can open this lock. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

“Hope and Roots : The driving force of Life ?”


“Hope and Roots : The driving force of Life ?”
(Conversations about a short film: 5 Rupee)
VH: Hope more than anything

NB:… and expect more than nothing :)

VH: expectations reduce the joy ! so Zilch expectations and ‘enjoy the ride’ :)

NB: in this video the boy starts with hope to buy baloon. then he expects support frm his mother. maybe what we think from heart is hope and as it moves up to mind and we start making sense out of it it becomes an expectation.

AM: I guess the idea of hope is somehow only relevant in scarcity and some how the driving force is thus scarcity :) (ref: wealth of the nations :D)… u hope for wht u don’t have …

VH: The boy in the video can be interpreted as man in pursuit of ‘maya’ . He wants to desperately get it and then the balloon bursts in a few moment but the lure of ‘maya’ is so strong that he again wants to ‘get’ it . possesiing is an ‘illusion’

NB: tatha-agata, tatha-gata (thus come, thus gone) the buddhism teaching is being demonstrated. One who has come will definitely go and one who has gone will come back (in some form) that the vicious circle of life. And yeah I believe *maya* and *moh* are the driving forces that are responsible for all hopes, desires and expectations.
Maya you’ve already explained. Moh can be seen in form of desire boy has to get the green balloon and secondly the love of his mother that she actually gives 5 Rs twice. Maybe they can be visualized as III law of newton : Action-Reaction or Yin & Yang. Balancing it makes the life easy in some sense.

(conversations on facebook.)

What is God? (conversations on facebook)

NB: Visited ISKCON temple today... for the first time I did the Krishna enchanting. feeling quite contented after that ! and I bought a box of incense sticks.. this makes 10th flavor in line.. !
... but again I ask the same question to myself. God is a thought or belief or perception of happiness?

RP: A thought to keep us confident when we r trying to achieve something,
A belief to blame when we don't reach our goals...
A perception of happiness is only in progress.

VH: God is faith.

MD: God is what you want 'god' to be- faith, belief, a goodwill thought, an appreciation of humanity or rigid rituals, barricaded thoughts, superstitious lines...

SR: Some questions r worth keeping for entire life. so preserve it safely. There's saying in our ancient scriptures; the one who knows it (GOD) tells it not and the one who tells it knows it not. Moral is, don't listen to speculators :) :) :) AMEN.....

PS: When u believe in something ... u tend to think about it during times when u need it's assistance .. and if the process brings forth an unhindered happiness thru the act of remembrance.. u feel the realm of happiness :)

(conversations on facebook)

What are you? (facebook conversations)

"You are not You;
You are more than You.
Then what are You?

VH: It's called ' shoonya' : Nothing and yet everything.
NB: I believe their exists one more shoonya (nothing) after infinity (everything) to complete the circle of life.
VH: I think infinity is reference to 'shoonya' - It all emerges from this and ends here. This is like an illusion of running in a big circle and believing that you are running infinitely. Thus infinity converges to shoonya. And feeling of one-ness is 'bliss'. Joy and sorrow is 'mithya' much like any other emotion.
(conversations on facebook.)